About Me

About Me

Clay Boatright

As the author of “God’s Plan, Our Circus,” with extensive experience raising children with severe developmental disabilities, caring for my wife through the cancer which took her life, and ultimately reinventing myself, I am a passionate advocate for people facing difficult challenges beyond their control.

My experience as a leading volunteer advocate for people with severe disabilities led to my appointment by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Washington, as well as being named as the first Chairman of the Texas IDD System Redesign Advisory Committee.

My mantra is simple- Choose to be happy, trust God’s wisdom, and move past our difficulties to appreciate the people and blessings in our lives. A small change in our mindset can make a significant impact!

The four things you’ll learn from my book are:

  1. Finding a positive attitude
  2. Understanding God has a plan for all of us
  3. Appreciating the people around us and what we have.
  4. Life is not to be taken too seriously!
Books by Clay Boatright

New Release – Read God’s Plan, Our Circus

God’s Plan, Our Circus is aimed at people going through extreme challenges, like raising children with severe disabilities or the premature death of a spouse. It differs from others in the genre as it does not delve into the medical science of autism or cancer. Instead, it centers on the impact these conditions have on relationships and how we can be more accepting of God’s plans.

Read God’s Plan, Our Circus to learn the art of fulfillment in life!

Want Tips on Leading a Happy Life? Consult me now!